
Change Your Philosophy and Increase Your Value

Wanting Change…Needing a Change…But Are You Willing To Change?

Change Your Philosophy and Increase Your Value.

Have you ever asked someone how they’re doing and they respond “same ole thing just a different day”, nothing ever changes. People blame the government or a particular political party over their hardships or job loss. You’ve heard the saying, the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer… We tend to blame others or situations in life over our struggles, when it’s us that needs to change.

You will never have change as long as you blame someone else!

You’ve seen where some people make it while others struggle trying to make it. If you listen to their conversations you can see their difference by their philosophy. Sometimes people live life thinking that whatever will be will be. They can be hard workers and never seem to go anywhere in life, always working from the bottom of the pile. Some spend more time working hard on the job, when they need to work harder on themselves. They need to change their thinking; they need to change their personal philosophy.

Philosophy is simply a set of ideas about how to do something or how to live, a personal outlook or viewpoint.

I believe when you change what’s inside of you; you will change what’s around you. When you change what you say, you will change what you believe. When you change what you believe, you will then change your life!

Never wish life were easier, wish that you were better-Jim Rohn

Change Your Philosophy!

  • Don’t wish life was easier…Work at being better!
  • Don’t pray for fewer problems…Learn more skills!
  • Are you waiting on a pay raise…? Why not become more valuable!

Work on changing yourself; work at being a better you! If there is something you want changed, but it never changes, shows a change in philosophy is needed.

Someone who stays in an abusive relationship shows there needs to be a philosophy change. If you’ve wanted to lose weight and you can’t, a change in philosophy is needed. If you need more than 24 hours in a day…It’s not ever going to change…You must change.

If you’re struggling with your life today, nothing ever seems to go right… ask yourself why?

Your life will never change until you change. Life will not get better until you get better.

Life doesn’t get better by chance…It Gets Better by Change!

It’s not what happens, but it’s what you do when it happens!

You will increase your value when you change your philosophy…….

David Murdock